This is a summary of the defn podcast interview with Bruce Hauman.
Once again, it’s been a great and long episode where Ray and Vijay talked to Bruce Hauman. You’ll find my notes below.
These are my notes to help me quickly review the key information. I might have misinterpreted something. I encourage you to listen to the full episode.
Name Hauman has German origin.
How he got to Clojure and Figwheel
He likes languages, parsing et al.
He has always had a passion for LISP - he was LISPer for a long time (since college).
In the real world, you work with Ruby, PHP, Java, etc.
As a result, he got sick and started to play with ClojureScript - there were quite a few rough edges and thus he created Figwheel.
Now Bruce lives in a typical apartment in Montreal.
See his talk Developing ClojureScript With Figwheel with the picture of his former "plastic bubble" house :).
ClojureScript doesn’t "encapsulate" functions and modules.
You can just load the file, and all your definitions are reloaded => very easy.
If you want to do stateful stuff like it becomes problematic => you can turn auto-loading on and off with Figwheel.
Using Figwheel with Node.js is different.
You have no display and feedback is less visible.
Joke: he’s not a real programmer, he just build cool demos that make people think.
Figwheel is quite complicated real application written in Clojure.
He recently built some application with Clojure and Ethereum - that was a really cool experience.
Clojure as a strange maximum
He doesn’t see himself gravitating to other languages (although he loves languages a lot).
In terms of getting things done, he sees little benefits in using other languages.
Static types
The static guys are overblowing guarantee they’re getting from types - in real-world complex systems with lots of state (think "Microservices") the benefits are diminished.
In Clojure we are very productive - look at Advent of Code and compare Clojure solutions to other languages.
Ray: certain types of functions would benefit from types but exploring external resources and APIs/data is much easier without types ceremony.
Racket, gradual typing, etc. (Vijay asked Bruce what he thinks about that and what’s his experience)
Paying upfront cost with types doesn’t make much sense to him because so much programming is about exploration - Bruce prefers to have the flexibility to explore.
Building new Clojure/ClojureScript app - what are his libraries/tools of choice?
Pick as few libraries as possible.
He (always) uses React for frontend applications.
He prefers Om style - passing state explicitly to downstream components instead of referencing global state.
But he didn’t do much ClojureScript development in the last year or so (e.g. re-frame got a lot better)
In lots of applications, you don’t need to make decisions about REST and GraphQL until you reach a certain size.
just pushing JSON data through APIs
If you know exactly what you’re building and how big it’s gonna be then it might be useful to pay that cost upfront.
It was written mostly for the purpose of checking Figwheel/ClojureScript configuration options of which there are many and they’re easy to get wrong.
He started to write it in core.logic, then spec came out and he re-wrote it using spec.
Back then, spec was missing some features (it wasn’t so easy to get an exact pointer to the problem inside the input data structure).
After that, there were some improvements to spec which made his job easier.
Spec error messages
Concerning Clojure.core we’re talking about macros and special forms.
You get very detailed error messages - however, programming is a very incremental activity, and you just need a very brief and clear error message.
BUT, you can write a library that will match certain spec errors for core macros and output precise and clear user-facing error messages.
When saying "better error messages", it helps to be a lot more precise what does that mean - e.g. "We need a concise error message along with a pointer to the start and the end of the relevant code."
Unfortunately, that pointer is contextual - it depends on the file in which you are, etc.
Bruce really wants better error messages to bring more people to Clojure - that’s the reason why he is writing rebel-readline.
All Bruce’s projects are focused on bringing Clojure interactivity to people.
When writing browser applications you always run in a broader context of the browser.
Devcards' idea is that it should be easy to create independent pieces of an application and have them together.
Future (ideas about Fighweel and more)
Spec errors descriptions
Keeping statistics and visual history of errors and messages.
He does Advent of Code every year.
Working on programming projects let you reflect on our programming experience.
TIS 100 - assembly language programming game - the easiest way to learn assembly programming again.
REPL is kind of a game - idea of building challenges in REPL; he never got too far with this.
Experienced Clojure programmers don’t need a great REPL experience, but beginners need it.
When you’re new to Clojure it’s impossible to choose an editor - everybody says: "Cursive, Emacs, Atom, …"
Ray: he struggled for one year or so to grasp the REPL - it’s really a superpower of Clojure and now he uses it all the time.
JLine provides a lot of functionality and makes things a lot easier.
_rebel-_readline is practically an editor, and you can put many features there, but it’s already great.
IPython-like notebooks
Not being in a file feels very constraining.
You can use Devcards as a graphical REPL in a browser, and you have your code in a file!
Reddit discussion: Pre-release of rebel-readline by Bruce Hauman! :D
But the greatest benefit for me is that we can finally show newcomers an almost proper Clojure workflow without sending them to setup Emacs/vim/Cursive first.
collaborative REPL
Nice idea but they eventually ran out of money.
Tmux can be used for shared typing into REPL but you can’t see who’s typing what and when he typed.
Joke: with Clojure we don’t need multiple people; we’re so productive that just one man is enough.
Bruce would like to have repl_-_readline ready for getting people’s feedback in a couple of weeks.
JavaScript experience
Bruce enjoyed JavaScript back in time because of its dynamic nature.
If he had a choice, he’d choose CoffeeScript.
*Clojurists Together* initiative
Figwheel is one of the sponsored projects.
It’s great; please join in and support Clojure open source projects!